About a year after launching our book, and six years after starting the process of building it, we are profoundly grateful for how people have received it so far.
When you design, publish, and fulfill a book with as many moving parts as ours, it’s easy to get lost in the production and forget why you’re doing it. Especially after six years.
And while we do try to convey the reasons every dog-lover should own Gone Dogs, selling it feels a little weird sometimes. Sure, we use words like “stunning” and “heartwarming” but in the end that’s us, the publisher, trying to get your attention. Because that’s what you’ve got to do when you’re a writer-designer team doing something you’ve never done before.
So we wanted to dedicate a page on our website to the reviews that you, our readers, have left on Amazon for Gone Dogs. As of today, we’ve received 5-stars on 72 of our 75 ratings. And, well, that’s nothing to sneeze at.
So here are some of the things people have said about our book to date. Thank you!
Gone Dogs has a 5-star rating on Amazon!
“Captures the essence of loving a dog.”
“This is a beautiful book. I was blown away.”
“What a sweet, wonderful compilation.”
“A must-read for anyone who has ever loved a dog.”
“This book will heal your soul.”
“A dog lover’s bible.”
“I will cherish this book forever.”
“Stirs emotions and warms the soul.”
“A treasure for anyone who has ever loved a dog.”
“I can’t tell you how much this book means to me.”
“One of the most heartfelt books I have every read.”
“An absolutely beautiful and emotional ride.”
“If you’ve ever loved and lost a dog, this book will bring back every good memory you had when they were around.”
“You will become spellbound by hope.”
“You will love this book.”
“Required reading for dog-lovers.”
“If you love dogs, buy this book.”
“Every page is full of love and caring.”
“You will adore everything about this book.”
“A unique and beautiful concept.”
“Good for the soul.”
“To say this book hits on every emotion is an understatement.”
“Incredible testament to the unfailing love of dogs.”
“Poetic tributes that remind us that loving and being loved by dogs can make us better humans.”
“This book spoke to me.”
“Pure joy.”
So don’t take our word for it when we say how special this book is—listen to the readers. And be sure to order your copy of Gone Dogs today.
You can see all the Amazon reviews here.
And please if you haven’t already, consider leaving a review on our Facebook page, Amazon, GoodReads, or anywhere else they let you tell others what you think.